...Christ comes to teach men the humility they had forgotten and the obedience they had transgressed. He gives us a perfect example in His humility and obedience towards His heavenly Father. And His Forerunner teaches us by his example of humility and obedience - in his sinless humility and obedience to Christ.
Men who have no humility or obedience, have no wisdom or love. And he who does not have these does not have God. And he who does not have God does not have himself, but is as if he did not exist, being in darkness and the shadow of death.
If any among us were to say: Christ is too high an example for me; I cannot look to Him - then here is John the Forerunner who is, as an ordinary man, closer to mortal men. Let him look to John's humility and obedience. But, alas, if a man does not want to do good, he will always find an excuse to flee from it.
Bishop Nikolai Velimirovic